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In conclusion, Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care offers many advantages when it comes to achieving optimal health; from relieving chronic pain to improving balance and increasing mobility - this form of natural healthcare may be just what you need for achieving greater health overall!

Conditions Treated with UCC

Upper Cervical Chiropractic (UCC) is a form of alternative health care that focuses on treating the top two vertebrae in the neck. It can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, such as headaches, migraines, chronic pain, vertigo and fibromyalgia! UCC works by gently realigning the bones in your neck so that they’re properly aligned with each other and with your body. This helps to reduce tension and inflammation throughout your body.

By doing this, UCC can help you achieve optimal health by improving blood flow to all areas of your body, reducing stress levels as well as improving nerve function and immunity. Additionally, UCC can also improve your posture which can help reduce pain and discomfort throughout your body. Furthermore, it may also decrease muscle stiffness and improve flexibility.

Moreover, UCC has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for various conditions such as whiplash injuries from car accidents, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), sciatica and even post-concussion syndrome. In addition ,it can be helpful for people who suffer from anxiety or depression since it helps them feel more relaxed overall!

upper cervical chiropractic Kimberlea Plano TX 75023

Manual Therapy and Exercise for the Management of Chronic Neck ... - Cureus

Manual Therapy and Exercise for the Management of Chronic Neck ...  Cureus

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Is it safe to get your neck manipulated by a chiropractor? - TODAY

Is it safe to get your neck manipulated by a chiropractor?  TODAY

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Temporomandibular Disorder Treated With Chiropractic Therapy ...  Cureus

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Is It Safe to Get Your Neck Manipulated by a Chiropractor?  The New York Times

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Spine Surgery for Upper Cervical Disorders  Health Central

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Cervicogenic Headaches Start in the Neck  Health Central

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Scoliosis Causing Cervical Dystonia in a Chiropractic Office - Cureus

Scoliosis Causing Cervical Dystonia in a Chiropractic Office  Cureus

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